Mammal Fossils

Fossilized mammal parts for sale, from around the world and throughout history. From cave bears to woolly mammoths, all fossil and mineral specimens can be shipped worldwide.
$375.00 CAD $450.00 CAD
$65.00 CAD $185.00 CAD
$925.00 CAD $1,200.00 CAD
$1,275.00 CAD $2,000.00 CAD
$4,975.00 CAD $6,500.00 CAD
$37,500.00 CAD $65,000.00 CAD
$29,750.00 CAD $50,000.00 CAD
$65.00 CAD $100.00 CAD
$20.00 CAD $45.00 CAD
$10.00 CAD $30.00 CAD
$95.00 CAD $125.00 CAD
$46,750.00 CAD $60,000.00 CAD